
Information session held in Stanley

Information session in Stanley, 22 June 2021

The information session held at Stanley Town Hall on Tuesday 22 June was well attended with more than 120 members of the community dropping in to speak to the project team and learn more about the Western Plains Wind Farm proposal.

Various maps and photomontages were on display to show the turbine layout, project design, predicted noise modelling and what the wind farm would look like from a number of public viewpoints. A range of take-away information was also provided to give the community a better understanding of the project.

The project team would like to thank everyone who took the time to visit the information session. We hope it was informative and we appreciate all input and feedback. We would also like to thank all those who assisted us at the venue and with catering.

Another community information session will be held after the Development Proposal and Environmental Management Plan has been finalised, approved by the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) and put on public exhibition. Details will be posted and shared via a project update once finalised.

Thank you again to all our local stakeholders and community members for engaging with us on the Western Plains Wind Farm proposal. We will continue to work to minimise impacts and maximise the benefits for the local community.

Below are links to download the materials shared at the information session.

Western Plains Wind Farm Project Information, June 2021 Western Plains Wind Farm, Noise Information Sheet, June 2021 Western Plains Wind Farm, Changing Energy Market Information Sheet, June 2021 Map - Western Plains Wind Farm Project Layout, June 2021 Map - Western Plains Wind Farm Noise Contours, June 2021 Map - Western Plains Wind Farm Powerline Corridor, June 2021 Map - Western Plains Wind Farm Zone of Visual Influence, June 2021

The photomontages below show what the proposed wind farm would look like from various public viewpoints. They have been produced using specialist industry software and based on the proposed wind turbine size and distance from locations to provide an accurate scale.

Western Plains Wind Farm Photomontage - from Church St, Stanley Western Plains Wind Farm Photomontage - from The Nut Western Plains Wind Farm Photomontage - from Green Hills Rd, Cable Station Western Plains Wind Farm Photomontage - from Green Hills Rd, Highfield Historic Site Western Plains Wind Farm Photomontage - from Dovecote Rd, Jimmy Lane Memorial Lookout