
Information sessions held in Mudgee

Information sessions in Mudgee, 25 November 2021

Two information sessions held in Mudgee on Thursday 25 November were well attended with members of the community dropping in to speak to the project team and learn more about the Burrendong Wind Farm proposal.

Various maps and photomontages were on display to show the proposed turbine layout, project design, predicted noise modelling and what the wind farm would look like from selected public viewpoints.

Epuron's General Manager Development for NSW Andrew Wilson gave a presentation and explained the assessment work that is underway.

The project team would like to thank everyone who took the time to visit the session. We hope it was informative and appreciate the feedback we received.

Below are links to download the materials shared at the information session.

Burrendong Wind Farm Information Session Presentation, November 2021 Burrendong Wind Farm Project Information, November 2021 Burrendong Wind Farm, Changing Energy Market Information Sheet, November 2021 Map - Burrendong Wind Farm Project Layout, November 2021 Map - Burrendong Wind Farm Noise Contours, November 2021 Map - Burrendong Wind Farm Zone of Visual Influence, November 2021

The photomontages below show what the proposed wind farm would look like from example public viewpoints. They have been produced using specialist industry software and based on precise distances and the proposed wind turbine dimensions to provide accurate scale.

Burrendong Wind Farm Photomontage - from corner of Yarrabin and Burrendong Dam Roads Burrendong Wind Farm Photomontage - from Burrendong Dam Road Burrendong Wind Farm Photomontage - from Wallawaugh Road, Hargraves