Specimen Hill Wind Farm
The Biloela region is home to one of Queensland's largest coal-fired power stations and an area of significant coal mining activity. In addition to these coal resources it also has significant wind energy resources which provide a long term future for energy supply from the region.
The site is in Dumgree, between Kroombit Tops and the Dawson Highway, approximately 25km north-east of Biloela and 60km south-west of Gladstone in central Queensland. The location has a strong wind resource, high voltage transmission lines and good road access via the Dawson Highway, with few neighbouring properties.
Wind monitoring has shown winds from the east dominating the site with a strong night-time profile. This complements the day-time power output of existing solar farms to provide reliable 24/7 power to the Queensland grid.
The project will involve 56 wind turbines and connect via a new substation to the on-site 275,000 volt Wurdong to Calvale powerlines owned and operated by Powerlink.
Wind farms generate significant economic benefits for the local region during both the construction and operating phases. Around half of the capital cost is expected to be spent within Queensland, and local businesses will benefit from increased number of workers in the area.
Ark Energy has worked closely with the project's stakeholders to determine the optimal design for the wind farm including the site's Traditional Owners, the First Nations Bailai, Gurang, Gooreng Gooreng, Taribelang Bunda People and the Gaangalu Nation People.
A development application for the project has been granted by the Queensland Government and the project has been approved by the Australian Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) under the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act).