
St Patricks Plains Wind Farm Update - May 2024

Supplement to the EIS

The Supplement report to the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) has been completed and is now available on the Environment Protection Authority Tasmania’s (EPA) website. The Supplement responds to comments on the EIS made during its public exhibition period. Printed copies are also available for viewing at Central Highlands Council, 19 Alexander Street (open Mon-Fri, 8am – 5pm) and the St Patricks Plains Wind Farm Information Centre, 16A Patrick Street (open Fri, 10am – 1pm), in Bothwell.

Matters raised in submissions

Thank you to everyone who took the time to consider the proposal and make a submission during public exhibition of the EIS. A number of matters were raised and addressed in the Supplement, and brief responses to the following are in the newsletter:

  • Eagles and Identiflight
  • Noise
  • Shadow flicker
  • Aboriginal heritage assessment
  • Property values
  • End of operation
  • Neighbour participation program

Next steps

The EPA will now complete its assessment. If it determines the project to be acceptable it will provide approval conditions to Central Highlands Council, which has appointed an independent planning consultant to assess the application on its behalf. If council approves the project, it will then be subject to approval by the Commonwealth government under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act).

The project team is working towards all required approvals being in place by Q4 2024 with construction anticipated to commence about 9 –12 months later.