
Community information sessions - Hellyer Wind Farm

Information sessions in Ridgley and Waratah

Community information sessions for the proposed Hellyer Wind Farm and adjacent Guildford Wind Farm were held in Ridgley on Tuesday 7 June and Waratah on Wednesday 8 June.

The sessions, held at Ridgley Community Centre and Waratah Men's Shed, were well attended with residents from the nearby areas of Ridgley, Hampshire and Waratah dropping in to speak to the project team, ask questions and learn more about the proposals.

The project team thanks everyone who took the time to attend a session. We hope it was informative and appreciate the feedback we received.

Below are links to download the information and display materials that were shared.

Hellyer Wind Farm Project Overview, June 2022 Guildford Wind Farm Project Overview, June 2022 Tasmania - Changing Energy Market, June 2022 Map - Hellyer Wind Farm Site Layout, June 2022 Map - Guildford Wind Farm Site Layout, June 2022 Map - Hellyer Wind Farm and Guildford Wind Farm, June 2022

A few photomontages have been done to show what the proposed wind farms would look like from example public viewpoints. Photomontages are produced using specialist industry software and based on precise distances and the dimensions of the proposed wind turbine to provide accurate scale.

Hellyer Wind Farm Photomontage - from Ridgley Highway Guildford Wind Farm Photomontage - from Talbots Lagoon Dam Wall Guildford Wind Farm Photomontage - from Waratah Falls