
Burrendong Wind Farm Update - March 2022

Project expanded

WaterNSW, through its Renewable Energy and Storage Program, is seeking investment in renewable energy generation and storage assets on WaterNSW land to support the state’s energy security and achieve the objectives outlined in the NSW Electricity Strategy.

This includes land around Burrendong Dam and based on this opportunity Epuron is participating in WaterNSW’s process and has revised the Burrendong Wind Farm proposal to incorporate additional wind turbine locations on adjacent WaterNSW land.

The expanded design includes up to 105 wind turbines with an expected output capacity of 650 megawatts.

Updated requirements for the project’s Environmental Impact Assessment (EIS) are due to be issued by the NSW Department of Planning and Environment. In the meantime, assessments and specialist reports for the project are being updated to reflect the expanded project.

Planning documentation for the project when published is available on the NSW Government’s Planning Portal for Major Projects (Ref SSD 8950984).

CCC meeting and information sessions

On Thursday 25 November 2021 the Burrendong Wind Farm Community Consultative Committee (CCC) met for the second time and Epuron hosted two community information sessions in Mudgee to give all interested members of the community an opportunity to learn more about the proposal and discuss it with the project team.

Minutes from CCC meetings can be downloaded from the Community page. All the materials shared at the information sessions including a presentation given by Andrew Wilson, Epuron’s General Manager Development for NSW, information sheets, maps and photomontages, are available online here.

More community information sessions will be scheduled once the EIS reports have been completed.

Epuron and Ark Energy

In December 2021 Epuron signed a sale agreement with Ark Energy Corporation Pty Ltd, an Australian subsidiary of Korea Zinc Co. Ltd. There are some steps to be completed before the sale is finalised and further information will be available in future updates . Plans for the Burrendong Wind Farm will not be affected by the change in ownership. For more information on Ark Energy visit

For more information including a map of the proposed new site layout download the full project update:

Burrendong Wind Farm Update - March 2022