Project Update - November 2022
Design changes to avoid impacts
Based on findings from the ecological work and consultation with Traditional Owners, stakeholders and the local community, 114 wind turbines from the initial design of 200 have been removed to avoid sensitive ecological and cultural heritage sites within the project boundary.
In the most recent changes, eight wind turbines have been removed and access roads reduced by 27 km, mostly in areas of wet sclerophyll forest. As a result the disturbance to wet sclerophyll has been reduced by 31% and 52.6 hectares, and the overall construction footprint by 61 hectares.
Further refinements to minimise impacts, such as reduction of road widths during construction, have been made wherever possible and are ongoing.
Based on local feedback the project is also undertaking feasibility studies for an alternative access route to Wooroora Rd and a construction camp to avoid adding pressure on local housing costs.
The final proposed layout consists of 86 wind turbines and the project is less than half of its original size. It completely avoids all rainforest areas and the distance between any disturbance and the boundary of the Wet Tropics of Queensland World Heritage Area is 600m in only one location, 900m in a few others, and mostly a lot more.
Draft Public Environment Report on exhibition
The draft PER is now on public exhibition. It includes full details of the ecological assessment work and findings, and the proposed impact mitigation measures, offset strategies and plans. Hard copies of the draft PER and supporting documents are on display and available for review at the following locations:
- Tablelands Regional Council, front reception, 45 Mabel St, Atherton.
- Ravenshoe Library, public reading area, 24 Moore St, Ravenshoe.
- The ChalumbinWind Farm Information Hub, 55 Grigg St, Ravenshoe.
The draft PER and supporting documents are also available here.
UPDATED 8/12/2022 - The Draft PER is open for public comment until 5pm, Monday 9 January 2023. The current exhibition period follows an earlier advertised exhibition period that was due to close on Friday 16 December 2022. The exhibition period has been extended. All submissions received since the commencement of the earlier advertised exhibition period, Monday 7 November 2022, will be considered and there is no requirement for those submissions to be re-submitted.
Local information sessions
Community information sessions will be held at the project’s information hub in Ravenshoe on Tuesday 29 and Wednesday 30 November 2022 at 10am, 1pm, 3pm and 5pm each day.
At the information sessions the project team will present an overview of the draft PER and be available to discuss its contents and answer questions.
In the meantime, open times for the information hub have been extended to Wednesday and Thursday afternoons, as well as by appointment. For any questions or the latest information on the project please drop in or contact the project team by emailing or call 1800 731 296.