
Guildford Wind Farm Update - September 2021

Assessment studies to start soon

The Environment Protection Authority (EPA) Tasmania has issued final Project Specific Guidelines for the project, identifying the key matters to be assessed for the Environmental Impact Statement.

The Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment (DAWE) has also deemed the proposal to be a ‘controlled action’ under the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act). This means it must also be assessed under the EPBC Act, which the EPA will do on DAWE’s behalf under a bilateral agreement. The referral decision is available on the EPBC Act - Public notices portal (Reference ID 2020/8797).

Work on the various studies will commence soon. A key area for assessment is the Tasmanian wedge-tailed eagle. Eagle utilisation across the site will be studied for up to two years (eight seasons). Epuron is tracking a number of eagles around the project area using GPS devices as part of a wider research project by the University of Tasmania into how wedge-tailed eagles use the landscape. Independent ecology specialists will also conduct on-ground surveys of eagle flights.

Findings from these studies and the various other assessments required will inform the final wind turbine layout and project design.

Guildford Wind Farm Update September 2021

Comments and questions welcome

Epuron welcomes input from members of the local community and other interested parties to help shape the project and maximise community benefits. If you have questions or would like to share your views please email the project team or submit a feedback form.

Subject to the lifting of COVID related restrictions the project team looks forward to hosting a community information session in the local area as soon as practicable. To be notified directly of information sessions when these are scheduled and receive project updates via email register here.