
Western Plains Wind Farm Update - April 2021

Development proposal almost ready

Epuron is preparing its final Development Proposal and Environmental Management Plan (DPEMP) for the Western Plains Wind Farm located at the tip of the Stanley peninsula in north-west Tasmania and is aiming to submit it to Circular Head Council and the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) Tasmania around the middle of the year.

Over the past two years the project team has been working on the route for the proposed powerline to connect the project to the Port Latta substation. Following extensive community consultation it is proposed that the powerline will be underground to minimise impacts to the community and the local environment. Working with landowners and in conjunction with TasNetworks an optimal route has been determined and advanced progress made on arrangements to connect the project to the national grid.

The project team has also been working on responses to the EPA’s feedback on a draft DPEMP that was submitted for review last year and providing further information to the Federal Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment which determined the project to be a controlled action under the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act). This means the project will also require assessment and approval under the EPBC Act.

Thank you to all those who have engaged with us on this proposal to date. We will continue to work to minimise impacts and maximise the benefits of the Western Plains Wind Farm for the community.

Information sessions

Prior to lodging the final DPEMP Epuron will host an information session in Stanley to give interested members of the local community an opportunity to discuss the proposal and assessments with the project team. We anticipate hosting this session before the middle of the year. Details will be provided in the next update.

If you are not in the project’s contact lists and would like to receive updates please register for email news or provide your preferred contact details to the project team on

Western Plains Wind Farm Update - April 2021