
Western Plains Wind Farm Update - December 2021

Development application update

Work on the Development Proposal and Environmental Management Plan (DPEMP) is continuing. The DPEMP is being prepared in accordance with the Project Specific Guidelines that have been issued for Western Plains Wind Farm by Tasmania’s Environment Protection Authority (EPA).

We do not have a submission date at this stage and will update the community when we are closer to lodging. After the DPEMP has been finalised, reviewed by Circular Head Council and accepted by the EPA it will go on public exhibition and members of the community will have the opportunity to review it and make a submission.

Local information hub

Epuron is seeking to rent a small commercial space within or close to Stanley to be staffed one day a week in the first instance. This would provide members of the community with easy and convenient access to project information and the option to discuss the proposal with a member of the project team. If any business owner has suitable premises available to lease, perhaps an office or part of a retail space, please contact the project team on

Community information session

Epuron will host an information session in Stanley during the DPEMP’s exhibition period, subject to unrestricted travel from Sydney to Tasmania. This will give interested members of the community an opportunity to discuss the final proposal with the project team. To be notified directly when the session has been scheduled please register your interest with the project team or register to receive project updates. For email updates register here. To receive updates via post please send your name, postal address and a request to be added to the mailing list to

Reponse to RSP-NWT

Respect Stanley Peninsula - No Wind Turbines Inc. has provided Epuron with a Notification of significant matters of concern for consideration in the Western Plains Wind Farm assessment work and DPEMP. We thank RSP-NWT for its input and Epuron’s response is available here.

Questions and comments welcome

Epuron welcomes input from members of the local community and other interested parties. Questions and comments can be sent to the project team via or the online feedback form.

For more information including a site map download the full project update:

Western Plains Wind Farm Update - December 2021