
Liverpool Range Wind Farm Community Consultation Committee Established

The first meeting of the Liverpool Range Wind Farm Community Consultation Committee proposed by Epuron Pty Ltd was held in Coolah on Thursday 27 February. The Draft NSW Wind Farm Planning Guidelines Wind Farms state … “wind farm projects will typically require such committees to be established and operated during the assessment and operational phase as appropriate …”.  (these guidelines can be found on the Department of Planning website ). Requirements for the operation of the CCC are also included in the Draft Guidelines. Minutes of the meeting will be available on the Epuron website at

CCC members are:

  1. Independent Chair – Danielle Annells Twyfords -
  2. Upper Hunter Shire Council – Councillor Ron Campbell –
  3. Warrumbungle Shire Council – Tony Meppem (Director Environmental and Community Services) –
  4. Liverpool Plains Shire Council - Donna Ausling (Manager - Planning & Development)  –
  5. Midwestern Regional Council - Catherine Van Laeren -
  6. Involved landowner – Ant Martin –
  7. Involved landowner – Anne Louise Capel –
  8. Uninvolved landowner – Linda Gant –
  9. Uninvolved landowner – Greg Piper –
  10. Proponent – Brian Hall Epuron –


Joining the CCC

There is an opportunity for representatives of other community groups within the project area to join the committee. Please contact the Chair about this.

Contributing to the CCC agenda

The CCC will be meeting regularly and members are keen to involve input from the wider community. The committee welcomes suggestions, issues and questions. These can be addressed to the Chair or via a local committee member.

About the wind farm

The wind farm proposal is for construction and operation of a wind farm with up to 417 wind turbines along with associated infrastructure, which includes a grid connection with the existing 330kv Transgrid line at Ulan. The location of the turbines is “generally along the ridges running from the Coolah Tops between Cassilis and Coolah”.

Information sessions

Pauline Dunne OEH Renewable Energy Precinct Coordinator will be conducting a number of ‘Listening Posts’ during late April in the Coolah - Cassilis region, with the aim of involving the broader community in the development process. Pauline would like to hear people’s opinions and views and to provide information about the proposed wind farm, the NSW government planning process and opportunities for community participation. Details will be posted soon. Pauline’s contact details are  M: 0457 593 991.