
Hellyer Wind Farm EPBC Decision

Commonwealth to help guide assessment

Ark Energy (formerly Epuron) referred the proposal for Hellyer Wind Farm to the Australian Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water for review under the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) and the project has been determined to be a Controlled Action under the EPBC Act (EPBC reference number 2022/09299).

This means the project will require assessment and approval under the EPBC Act before it can proceed, in addition to State and Local government requirements.

Relevant controlling provisions are:

  • World Heritage properties (sections 12 and 15A)
  • National Heritage places (sections 15B and 15C).
  • Listed threatened species and communities (sections 18 and 18A)
  • Listed migratory species (sections 20 and 20A)

The proposal will be assessed by the EPA Board in the manner specified in the Bilateral Agreement between the Commonwealth of Australia and the State of Tasmania under Section 45 of the EPBC Act relating to environmental assessment.

The project’s EPBC Act referral decision and documentation is available on the Hellyer Wind Farm page on the EPBC Act Public Portal.