
Hellyer Wind Farm proposal referred to Commonwealth

EPBC Act referral open for public comment

Epuron has taken the first key step in the planning and assessment process for the Hellyer Wind Farm project, referring the proposal to the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water for review under the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act).

The referral submission includes results from preliminary flora and fauna surveys and an initial indicative site layout.

Based on preliminary investigations, Epuron considers it may be appropriate for the project to be deemed a ‘controlled action’ under the EPBC Act, which will entail the provision of additional guidance from the Department on environmental assessment requirements.

The Department will determine whether the proposal should be deemed a controlled action after the review of the submission and public consultation.

In any event, up to two years of ecological studies and surveys will be undertaken on the project site to understand the potential for impact to local species and determine mitigation measures.

The Hellyer Wind Farm project’s EPBC Act referral and supporting documentation (reference number 2022/09299) is now available on the EPBC Act Public Portal and open for public comment until Friday 2 September 2022.