
Noise information sessions

Noise information sessions 18-19 February 2022

Epuron held local information sessions on Friday 18 and Saturday 19 February at the Steppes Hall adjacent to the St Patricks Plains Wind Farm site in the Central Highland, to update the community on the noise assessment for the project.

The events were well attended with more than 80 residents, property owners and other interested community members attending over four sessions. The sessions featured a presentation by a specialist from Marshall Day Acoustics, a leading acoustic consultancy which has prepared the noise assessment for St Patricks Plains Wind Farm.

The presentation covered the noise assessment process and methods, and the results of the predictive noise modelling for the project, followed by questions and discussion.

The project team would like to thank everyone who took the time to attend one of the sessions. We hope it was informative and appreciate the feedback we received.

Below is a link to download the materials from the sessions.

St Patricks Plains Wind Farm - Noise Information Presentation - February 2022 St Patricks Plains Wind Farm - Noise Assessment Information - February 2022

The project team also provided attendees with copies of the Australian Medical Association's current Position Statement, Wind Farms and Health which is available online here, and the National Health and Medical Research Council's current NHMRC Statement: Evidence on Wind Farms and Human Health which is available online here.

Post-session update: Noise limits for the project are prescribed in the Project Specific Guidelines (PSGs) for the proposed St Patricks Plains Wind Farm issued by the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) Tasmania in 2019 . Epuron is aware of a subsequent EPA Board communique published in August 2020 regarding noise limits and is seeking clarification from the EPA.