
Western Plains Wind Farm Update - September 2021

Answering community questions

This update answers a number of key questions that have been asked about the proposed Western Plains Wind Farm, including questions asked during a community meeting held in Stanley in July 2021:

  • Why Western Plains Wind Farm?
  • Will the wind farm impact local tourism?
  • Will the wind farm affect local property values?
  • Will the height of the wind turbines change?
  • Visibility of wind turbines
  • What are the job opportunities?
  • What are some other community benefits?
  • Connecting to the network
  • Where would the power go?
  • Who pays for decommissioning?
  • Details of projects Epuron has sold
  • Turbine noise, noise compliance and monitoring

Download the full update with answers to these questions here:

Western Plains Wind Farm Update - September 2021

Thank you

Epuron is committed to the Clean Energy Council’s Best Practice Charter and knows that collaboration with local communities is fundamental for project success.

The planning process for wind farms is lengthy and rigorous, and the Environment Protection Authority requires comprehensive, accurate, technical and evidence-based assessments for the Development Proposal and Environment Management Plan.

Thank you to everyone who is engaging with us on this project. We will continue to work with you to understand and try to resolve any concerns and to maximise the benefits of the project for the Stanley community.

If anyone has comments or concerns they are invited to contact the project team via or submit comments via the project feedback form.

To receive project updates via email register for newsletters here.