
Burrendong Wind Farm CCC Meeting 1

Community Consultative Committee - Meeting 1

The Community Consultative Committee for the proposed Burrendong Wind Farm met for the first time in Mudgee on Friday 28 May 2021.

The meeting, chaired by Garry West, was attended by community members Jacqui and Nathan Coates, Heather Gough-Fuller, Justin Gard and Carmel Vecchio, and stakeholder representatives Brad Bliss and Chris Pilley.

During the meeting Andrew Wilson, General Manager Development NSW for Epuron and project manager for the Burrendong Wind Farm gave a company overview and presentation about the project.

Meeting presentation

The presentation given to the CCC on Epuron and the Burrendong Wind Farm project can be downloaded here: Burrendong Wind Farm - Presentation - CCC May 2021

Meeting minutes

The minutes of the CCC Meeting held on Friday 28 May 2021 can be downloaded here: Burrendong Wind Farm CCC Meeting 1 - Minutes