
Western Plains Wind Farm Update - May 2021

Community information session

Assessment work for the proposed Western Plains Wind Farm located at the tip of the Stanley peninsula in north-west Tasmania has been completed and Epuron is aiming to submit the final Development Proposal and Environmental Management Plan (DPEMP) to Circular Head Council and the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) Tasmania in the next few months.

Prior to finalising the DPEMP the project team is hosting a drop-in community information session in Stanley:

4-7pm Tuesday 22 June 2021, Stanley Town Hall, 10 Church Street

This session will give interested members of the community an opportunity to learn about the project in detail and discuss any concerns. To manage COVID-19 requirements and catering please RSVP to Sandra by Friday 18 June: or 0412 833 657.

Thank you to all those who have engaged with us on this proposal so far. We look forward to seeing community members at the information session and answering any questions. We will continue to work to minimise impacts and maximise the benefits of the Western Plains Wind Farm for the local community.

Project benefits

The Western Plains Wind Farm is expected to generate up to 130 jobs during construction, a few ongoing jobs during operation and provide a boost to the local economy through increased patronage for nearby retail, hospitality and food businesses.

A Community Fund will also be established and provide up to $36,000 ($3,000 per turbine) per annum for local initiatives and programs for the life of the project.

Once operational the 12 turbines will contribute 50.4 megawatts of clean, renewable energy to Tasmania’s electricity grid.

Western Plains Wind Farm Update - May 2021