
Burrendong Wind Farm Project Introduction

Burrendong Wind Farm Site Investigation

Epuron, one of Australia’s leading renewable energy companies, has commenced investigation of a new wind farm development of up to 100 wind turbines in the Central West region of New South Wales.

The proposed Burrendong Wind Farm site is located about 30 kilometres south-east of Wellington and to the east of Lake Burrendong.

The wind farm investigation area is located on the elevated ridges exposed to powerful south westerly winds. The surrounding area has a low population density with a limited number of residences, generally located at least 2 km from proposed wind turbine locations.

The wind farm would be connected to the existing TransGrid 330 kV transmission network and is located within the NSW Central West Renewable Energy Zone which aims to facilitate the connection of new renewable energy developments.


Epuron is keen to engage with the wider community to understand the benefits and impacts seen by the community, and where possible to shape the project to provide the greatest benefit. Consultation has commenced with involved property owners, neighbours, local and state government authorities.

Epuron is in the process of preparing a project Scoping Report to submit to the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and the Environment. This report will show the initial concept for the project and is used for initial community consultation and for the NSW Government to define the requirements of our detailed Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).

As we continue to investigate the site and progress its development there will be multiple opportunities for the community to receive information and provide feedback.

Burrendong Wind Farm Project Introduction - May 2020