
Nominations open for community committee

Expressions of interest invited for CCC

Epuron is establishing a Community Consultative Committee (CCC) for the Doughboy Wind Farm. The CCC will provide an important forum for discussion between the project team and the local community, and help to ensure that local residents and stakeholders are:

  • Kept informed of the status of the project, any new initiatives and Epuron’s performance
  • Consulted on plans and proposed changes
  • Able to provide feedback on any issues that may arise.

The NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) has appointed David Johnson as independent chair for the Doughboy Wind Farm CCC. David is a qualified geologist and environmental scientist, and an experienced community consultation, mediation and stakeholder liaison practitioner. He spent six years as a Member (Commissioner) of the NSW Government's Planning Assessment Commission (PAC), now the Independent Planning Commission, advising on environmental science and planning, pollution control and waste management, and has worked as an Acting Commissioner in the NSW Land and Environment Court. David is a member of three local planning panels in the Sydney area and is chair of several other CCCs for major projects in regional NSW.

David will oversee selection of CCC members and is now inviting expressions of interest from those who would like to represent the community as a member of the CCC. Interested individuals who live locally or are members of a stakeholder group (community, environment, Aboriginal or industry) are invited to apply. The role of a committee member is voluntary and members will be expected to:

  • Contribute constructively to committee discussions
  • Attend approximately four meetings a year
  • Share information about the project with the broader community
  • Agree to a Code of Conduct for CCC members and sign a Declaration of personal Interests.

How to apply:

For further information and to apply please contact David Johnson for a nomination form and a copy of the NSW CCC Guideline by phone 0412 160 200 or email

Nominations close 5pm Monday, 1 February 2021.

More information on the important role of a CCC for State significant projects in NSW is available from the DPIE's CCC information page and CCC Guidelines.