
Project issued with assessment requirements

Project receives SEARs from NSW Government

The NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) has issued Planning Secretary’s environmental assessment requirements (SEARs) for the proposed Burrendong Wind Farm, south-east of Wellington in Central West region of New South Wales.

Issued for all wind farm developments, which are considered State significant, the SEARs outline the general and technical assessment requirements for the project’s environmental impact statement (EIS), and are based on the project’s Scoping Report which includes a proposed site layout of 69 turbines

Key matters identified for assessment by the SEARs are landscape and visual impact, noise and vibration, biodiversity, traffic and transport, hazards and risks, heritage, water and soils, waste, and social and economic impacts.

The Burrendong Wind Farm site is located within the Central-West Orana Renewable Energy Zone (CWO REZ), an area identified by the NSW Government as optimal for renewable energy projects.

Epuron has appointed Eco Logical Australia, a leading national environmental consultancy based in Sydney with offices in Mudgee and Armidale, to undertake the independent studies for the project’s EIS. Onsite surveys and assessments will be carried out over the next six months.

While the studies for the environmental impact statement are underway, the local community and other key stakeholders will be consulted for their input on the project. This will include meetings, public information sessions and the establishment of a Community Consultative Committee, which can be done once a Committee Chair has been appointed by the DPIE.

Andrew Wilson, Epuron’s General Manager for NSW and project manager for the Burrendong Wind Farm, said he is pleased the SEARs have been issued and he is now eager for work on the impact assessment studies and consultation to get underway: “We are looking forward to starting work on the practical onsite studies for the project’s assessment and further building our relationship with the local community to identify the local concerns and priorities”.

The planning status of the project and associated documents including SEARs are available on the NSW Planning Portal for Major Projects. Search ‘Burrendong Wind Farm’ at