
Western Plains Wind Farm Newsletter

Epuron is developing its first Tasmanian wind farm north-west of Stanley. The project has potential for the highest energy yield per turbine in Australia and will connect to the Port Latta substation to supply renewable power to the National Electricity Market (NEM). The site is an exceptionally windy location in what is probably Australia’s windiest state. 

Project Details

The Western Plains Wind Farm will include up to 13 wind turbines on the "Western Plains" property as well as the powerlines, access tracks and other infrastructure required to build and operate the project. Epuron has been monitoring wind flows at the property and the high wind speeds, together with very low turbulence, provide an excellent resource for wind farm development.

The project will connect to the existing Port Latta substation via a new 22 or 33 kilovolt powerline generally located along the existing road corridor. The power generated would supply Tasmanian energy users, allowing hydro power generators to ramp down and save water during windy periods. This will support Tasmania in becoming the 'battery of the nation' through its ability to store hydro power for times when it is most needed.


Western Plains Wind Farm will be located on the north-western tip of the Stanley peninsula on the north coast of Tasmania.  The Western Plains property is located approximately 4 kilometres from Stanley, meaning the visual impact from the seaside town will be minimal. The property is currently pasture land used for cattle grazing, and its distance from nearby neighbours means no noise impacts are expected.


Western Plains Wind Farm will help diversify Tasmania’s energy mix and reduce greenhouse gas emissions from electricity currently imported from Victoria via Basslink. By generating up to 200,000 megawatt-hours per annum, the project could save around 218,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions per annum and provide enough electricity for around 23,500 Tasmanian homes.

The wind farm will also benefit the local economy, creating many jobs during construction and the potential for additional jobs during operation. Flow on effects will benefit a range of local businesses including through provision of accommodation, food, fuel, groceries and other needs for the life of the project. Epuron aims to maximise use of local skills and services to deliver this project so please contact us if you have something to contribute.

Community Engagement

Epuron is keen to engage with the Stanley community as well as local businesses throughout the planning and approvals process. This will help ensure that local issues are well understood and considered and that the project delivers tangible benefits to the community.

At this stage Epuron has prepared an initial site concept (above) and is seeking input from the community while carrying out detailed planning and environmental impact assessment. We are currently preparing our development application to Council which will be publicly exhibited, allowing a further opportunity for community input.


We welcome your thoughts on this project and invite you to contact Epuron’s Project Manager, Shane Bartel, or our office via the details below.

We are especially keen to hear about local businesses who could benefit from the project, potential community benefits, and any issues which may cause concern.

You can subscribe to emailed project updates via our website. 

Western Plains Wind Farm Newsletter