
Liverpool Range Wind Farm - Draft Environmental Assessment

Epuron submitted its draft Environmental Assessment for the Liverpool Range Wind Farm to the NSW Department of Planning and Infrastructure on 7 December 2012.

The report addresses the issues raised during the public exhibition of the project Environmental Assessment and also details a number of changes made to the wind farm infrastructure layout as a result of those submissions. As a result, the final wind farm proposal is expected to incorporate 417 wind turbines and all necessary infrastructure to build the wind farm and connect it to the state's electricity grid.

This report will now go through the Department's adequacy review process, after which Epuron will provide a final Environmental Assessment to be placed on exhibition by the Department early in 2013. Epuron anticipates an exhibition period of approximately 60 days during which members of the public may provide a formal response on the proposal to the Department.

In parallel, Epuron has recently commenced the grid connection process with TransGrid with the initial feasibility reports also being prepared in early 2013.

Epuron is continuing to consult with project stakeholders and a newsletter for the project will also be released shortly.

The final Environmental Assessment will be made available on Epuron's website once the adequacy review process is complete.