
MEDIA RELEASE: Epuron Begins Investigations of New Wind Farm Site

Epuron has commenced investigation into the feasibility of a wind farm at the Gullen Range, south of Crookwell in the NSW Southern Tablelands. Wind investigations at this site, extending from Kialla and Bannister to Gurrundah, were commenced by Marubeni Corporation in 2002, however Epuron acquired the monitoring masts in April 2006. Initial assessment shows strong and consistent local wind speeds along the ridge are suitable for wind energy generation. The current investigation activities will enable Epuron to determine the wind farm configuration including turbine numbers and locations.

“With careful consideration and planning, Epuron believes the wind farm can be developed with positive benefits to the environment and community.” Project Director Simon Davey said.

Epuron values the input of the local community, the Council and other stakeholders in the planning of this project. Community consultation, at each stage of the process, will be incorporated into the project and this will include newsletters, open houses and media releases. The wind farm will be assessed under Part 3A of the Environmental Protection and Assessment Act, therefore the relevant consent authority is the NSW Minister for Planning.

Investigations will include background noise measurements, flora and fauna (including bird and bat) investigations, assessment of aboriginal and European heritage values, visual impact studies (including photomontages to show what the wind farm might look like) and traffic and communications studies.

Wind farms are good news for the environment, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and taking pressure off power stations that are suffering under drought and water shortages. They also bring jobs and investment to rural and regional NSW.

“By bringing forward this new project, not only do we ensure that this investment occurs within NSW, we also provide the capacity for a region like the Southern Tablelands to establish ongoing, long term, sustainable jobs through related service, construction and manufacturing industries. ” Executive Director Andrew Durran said.

If the project proceeds, Epuron will establish a significant community fund to broaden the benefits flowing from the project within the local community.

Media Release Gullen Range - Investigations Begin - FINAL 23Jul07.pdf