Renewable energy industry specialists
Ark Energy's highly skilled team is made up of individuals with commercial and technical expertise in the unique development requirements and management of renewable energy assets.

YUN CHOI, Chairman
Yun has been the Chief Executive Officer of Korea Zinc Co. Ltd since January 2019 and the Chairman of Ark Energy Corporation Pty Ltd since January 2021. Previously, Yun was the Chief Executive Officer of Sun Metals Corporation Pty Ltd for 4 years. Yun has deep commercial knowledge of metals refining and mining. He also has extensive experience in running and developing overseas resource projects in multiple countries and forming strategic partnerships in international commodity markets. Prior to Korea Zinc, Yun practiced as an attorney at law in the renowned New York law firm Cravath, Swaine & Moore LLP. Yun has a Juris Doctorate Degree in Law from Columbia University and is a Licensed Attorney and Counsellor at Law in the State of New York. He was a Judicial Affairs Officer, Rank of Captain, in the Department of Defence Republic of Korea. Yun also holds a Bachelor Degree in English and Mathematics from Amherst College, Massachusetts.

MICHAEL CHOI, Chief Executive Officer
Michael has served as a director of Ark Energy since it was founded in 2021. He was appointed Chief Executive Officer in December 2023 following a longstanding relationship with Ark Energy's parent company Korea Zinc and Korea Zinc Australia’s companies. Michael joined the Korea Zinc Group in 2017 as Director of Strategies and Planning, responsible for business plans, business operations and foreign subsidiaries. In 2020 he was appointed Chief Financial Officer and board member for the group's Sun Metals Corporation in Townsville. He is also a director for Sun Metals, and Korea Zinc Australia's Townsville Logistics and Townsville Marine Logistics. Michael began his career as a Financial Auditor at Deloitte & Touche LLP in New York, followed by a financial audit and advisory role at PwC in Korea.
Bachelor of Science, Business and Economics.

Martin co-founded and served as Executive Director for leading renewable energy developer Epuron from 2003 until its acquisition by Ark Energy in 2022. He has more than 25 years experience in the energy industry in Australia and the UK. He has been a director of the Warren Centre for Advanced Engineering at the University of Sydney since 2006; served as Vice President of Market Development for Powerline GES Pty Ltd and consulted to various energy companies in Australia and the UK including Energy Australia, IPART, NSW Sustainable Energy Development Authority and Combined Heat and Power Association in London.
BA, M.Eng (Chem). PhD, U. Syd.

TONY THOMAS, Chief Financial Officer
Tony has more than 17 years experience in the accounting and finance profession, working across a range of public and private companies including oil and gas, aviation, funds management, real estate and technology industries. Prior to joining Ark Energy, Tony was an Audit and Assurance Director at KPMG for 17 years and spent 9-months as the Acting CFO at an Australian energy storage company. He also worked for 10 years as a Physiotherapist during which time he led the Rehabilitation Services at the Australian Army’s 2nd Health Support Battalion.
Master of Business (Professional accounting), Bachelor of Science (BSc Hons), Member, Chartered Accountants in Australia & New Zealand.

DAMIAN VERMEY, Head of Development
Damian has more than 25 years experience in the Australian and Asian energy sector. Prior to commencing at Ark Energy, Damian held senior management roles at TasNetworks, Powerlink, Entura and Hydro Tasmania. Damian's extensive engineering and project management experience has provided high quality power and water products, ranging from hydro power plants, to wind farms and power system design solutions.
MBA (Technology Management); BA Eng (Electrical); GAICD Australian Institute Company Directors.

ALEX BUTTERWORTH, Head of Commercial, Strategy & Operations
Alex has extensive experience in the energy sector, having worked across a number of wind, solar, battery and hydrogen projects in Australia over a range of commercial workstreams. Prior to starting at Ark Energy, Alex worked at Origin Energy, KPMG and for the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade where he was posted to the Solomon Islands.
BA Business, BA Commerce.

MELISSA PISANI, Head of Communications & Stakeholder Engagement
Melissa has more than 20 years experience in communications for large and multinational organisations, including ten years with global firm Edelman followed by senior in-house roles in the corporate and government sectors, and independent consulting. Melissa manages Ark Energy's communications and engagement practice, including corporate affairs, stakeholder relations and community engagement for the company's portfolio of projects across New South Wales, Queensland and Tasmania.
BA Comms, CSU; Grad Cert Environmental Management, UNSW; IAP2.

TERRI O'DELL, Head of People, Performance & Culture
Terri has more than 20 years experience in Human Resources for various large and multinational companies, predominately within the mining, construction, building and energy sectors. Prior to joining Ark Energy, Terri held leadership roles at Energy Developments, Theiss, BHP, Ausco Modular and Multicap. Terri is focused on a strategic approach that connects people and culture to deliver great business outcomes.
B.Bus (Human Resources); Grad Dip (HRM); Grad Dip Psychology, B.Sc (Honours) Psychology; National Coaching Institute, Prosci Change Management, HBMI Accredited Facilitator.

ANDREW WILSON, General Manager Development, New South Wales
Andrew has more than 20 years experience in the construction and energy industries, and has led a number of wind farm projects since 2007. Prior to joining Ark Energy Andrew had roles in developing and constructing renewable energy projects at AGL and Meridian Energy where he was responsible for construction of the Wattle Point Wind Farm, at the time the largest wind farm in Australia. Previous experience also includes 10 years delivering multi-discipline projects with construction contractor Downer Engineering.
B.Sc (Mech Eng), MBA, U. Waikato.

DONNA BOLTON, General Manager Development, Tasmania
Donna has more than 20 years experience in the Australian and UK renewables industry. Since 2007 Donna has led some of our most challenging projects including the planning and land tenure for the Silverton Wind Farm, the largest approved wind farm proposal in Australia. Prior to joining Ark Energy Donna worked for AGL Energy, Southern Hydro and Meridian Energy, progressing projects in Victoria and Queensland. Donna has been managing the projects in Tasmania since 2019.